About this blog of mine

Hi, lovely of you to stop by!

This blog of mine is to share a little of my life with you, mapping seasons of day to day travels. A little sneak into the lives of my family and friends.

Below you will find a picture of me and my boyfriend of 6 and a bit years - Dominic. I couldn't tell you how I managed to land a man like himself, I'm still searching for the answer myself! Although I can promise you, you'll be seeing a whole lot more of him. When he's that much of a spunk why wouldn't you?!

I am far from having my life all sorted, i'll easily tell you. Life isn't always 'happy snaps' but their the moments we cherish to get us through those yucky times. So I am over compensating! Building a collection of joyous memories. 
So feel free to have a wonder and to come back each week! We live in Sydney, Australia.